Purchasing Vouchers for Fellows Training Series

Use these instructions for a step-by-step guide for purchasing vouchers online via credit card.

Need to pay by check? Email info@endocrine.org to request an invoice!

Having trouble? Email education@endocrine.org for assistance.


Step 1. Login to your account at education.endocrine.org


Step 2. Confirm your view - select Switch to Coordinator to access the Fellows Training Series pages if they don’t automatically pop up.

Note: you can also Switch to Learner to access the site as a learner using this same method!


Step 3. Review what’s included in each subscription type for Fellows Training Series - explore the Basic package and the Premium package.


Step 4. Select which subscription you'd like to purchase and click the Purchase Vouchers Button.

Note: if you wish to purchase via check, please email info@endocrine.org with the number of vouchers you would like to purchase; they will provide you an invoice with which to pay via check.


Step 5. Select the number of vouchers you would like to purchase - this should be equal to the number of fellows in your program.

Note: Only those with a voucher will be able to access the course materials. Program admins (coordinators and directors) should not purchase a voucher for themselves.


Step 6. Click Purchase to navigate to the payment system on endocrine.org.


Step 7. Review your order and click the Check-Out button. Then, confirm your billing and shipping information and select your payment type.


Step 8. Fill out your credit card information, and click continue.


Step 9. Congratulations! You just purchased vouchers for Fellows Training Series. Click Manage Vouchers to access the direct link to share with your fellows.


Step 10. To manage your vouchers, access the direct link, and review program materials, navigate to education.endocrine.org, login, and click Vouchers in the left-hand navigation bar.

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