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Clark T. Sawin Memorial History of Endocrinology Lecturer - Resource Library
Course Description

The Delbert A. Fisher Research Scholar Award is made possible by the generous support of Dr. and Mrs. Delbert A. Fisher, MD. Dr. Fisher is a renowned leader in the development of international neonatal screening programs to detect congenital hypothyroidism. He has made extensive contributions to the advancement of endocrine research and has served the community as a distinguished educator.

Each year, the Delbert A. Fisher Research Scholar Award provides a $2,000 honorarium to a scholar demonstrating exceptional work in the preservation of the history of endocrinology. The scholar also delivers the Clark T. Sawin Memorial History of Endocrinology Lecture at ENDO, the Endocrine Society's Annual Meeting.  

The Sawin lecture is one of the highest attended sessions at ENDO. The lecture is intended to be a broad, comprehensive, and scholarly narrative of the history on the chosen topic. Important discoveries, milestones, and significant contributions by those in the field, including the recipient's own work, are outlined and discussed. Personal insights and historical vignettes are encouraged.

Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
Contains: 9 Courses
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